Digital Health Marketplace
Catalyst @ Health 2.0 (“Catalyst”) operated the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) Digital Health Marketplace (DHMP) from 2013-2018. The program was designed to foster innovation and support the expanding health technology industry in New York City. Through a combination of grant funding, matchmaking events, pilot programs, and educational support, Catalyst and NYCEDC provided considerable benefits to health care institutions, technology companies, investors, and start-ups in the NYC ecosystem.
This unique initiative started in 2013 as Pilot Health Tech NYC and was rebranded as the Digital Health Marketplace in 2015 to better represent its focus on creating commercial partnerships between health technology “Buyers” (e.g. large health institutions or investors) and “Sellers” (e.g., start-ups or health care innovators). Through curated matchmaking events and NYCEDC’s financial assistance, program participants were able to make valuable connections that enhanced their strategic partnerships and enabled real-world testing of new technologies.
DHMP encourages piloting of health technologies, rapid adoption of digital tools into healthcare settings, and expedites competitive commercialization of solutions that can enhance the New York City health tech ecosystem. The program facilitates relationships between entrepreneurial healthcare technology companies and organizations providing healthcare services in NYC such as hospitals, physician clinics, payers, pharma companies, nursing associations and community health centers. Each pilot project funded through DHMP focused on addressing defined needs within the health care ecosystem and testing a technology on the ground in a health-focused organization.