TechEmerge Health India Wins the World Bank Group President’s Award for Innovation


We are proud to announce that TechEmerge Health India has won the World Bank Group President’s Award for Innovation! TechEmerge Health India, a first of its kind matchmaking program led by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and powered by Catalyst @ Health 2.0 (Catalyst), connected high-impact technology solutions from around the world with India healthcare providers to conduct local pilots and build new partnerships.

After receiving 330 applications from 29 countries, the top 33 tech companies were invited to the inaugural TechEmerge Health Innovation Summit in India in June 2016, to showcase their solutions and discuss pilot opportunities with leading Indian healthcare providers. Under the program, 20 pilot projects, involving 16 tech companies and 15 Indian Providers were implemented across 70 clinical sites reaching over 18,000 patients. Pilot participants were awarded $1,000,000 in grant funding and received ongoing support and guidance to ensure the success of the projects.

The ultimate goal of TechEmerge Health India was to accelerate the adoption of innovative health technology solutions that can improve access to affordable quality care and improve patient outcomes. As a result of the program, the first 10 commercial contracts have been signed for broader deployment of the technologies. More commercialization discussions are underway. Many of the innovators were also able to secure new investment capital to advance the growth of their operations. Building on the success in India, IFC launched the TechEmerge Health Brazi program in late 2017. The implementation of 26 pilot projects in Brazil is currently underway. IFC is now looking to bring the TechEmerge Health program to Africa. To learn about this exciting program, please go to for more information and updates.